Stage fright is when someone feels uneasy before or during their performance. Stage fright, or performance anxiety, can express physically as sweating hands and feet, a racing heart, parched lips, trembling, or a tight throat. Remember that you are not alone if you often fear or have already experienced stage fright. Anyone can feel it. Even famous performers like Eddie Van Halen, Carly Simon, Rihanna, and Katy Perry have all experienced performance anxiety but have successfully conquered it so that they can pursue their passions as performers. Similarly, you can also overcome singing stage fright.

These steps can help you overcome your stage fright:
#1 Preparation before the performance
The more you practice, the less anxious you will be when it's time to take the stage. As a singer, it is essential that you memorize the lyrics, but you should also work on your weaker voice ranges and techniques. While you're at it, close your eyes and picture yourself giving a great performance on stage. Visualize and remember successes instead of failures to overcome the fear. Imagine yourself reaching each and every one of your listeners. Your self-confidence will rise, and you'll sense an instant connection to the audience.

#2 Warming up and breathing exercises
Before going on stage, make sure you've done some vocal warm-ups and deep breathing exercises. Reducing vocal strain with vocal exercises can help you strike every note with precision, and deep breathing will help you sing with less anxiety. You'll be able to provide your best effort since you'll feel more like yourself. Check out our blog post on vocal warm-ups for singers for additional information on vocal exercises. Checkout the video of Celine Dion Showing Larry Her Vocal Warm-Ups
#3 Get a good night’s sleep
The night before your performance, sleep should be your top priority. We lose the quality and pitch of our voices when we sing because lack of sleep profoundly affects both physical and cognitive performance, including the muscles we use to sing. When we're exhausted, not only do our voices sound weaker, but our brains slow down too, increasing the likelihood that we'll either forget the words or be unable to hit the right note. To perform at your best, you should get a good night's sleep the night before.

#4 Stay away from alcohol and caffeine
You might want to drink coffee or a shot of whiskey to get pumped up before going on stage. Yet, both of these substances produce anxiety, which can amplify the effects of stage fright. If you want to avoid becoming dehydrated and having your heart rate increase during your performance, avoid consuming caffeine in any form. If you're trying to figure out what to eat before your performance, check out this list of things you can eat before your performance.
#5 Visit the venue prior to your performance
The unfamiliar environment is largely to blame for the stage fright that results. One way to overcome it is to see the actual location where you'll be singing. This can help you calm your nerves before a big performance. Learning the layout of the stage and the surrounding area will serve you well. If at all feasible, run through your performance one last time on stage to perfect it and be mindful of any possible problems.
#6 Be in the present and smile
Being more present is one of the most effective strategies for overcoming stage fright when performing vocals. Stay out of your head and forget about the past and the future. Focus on the here and now and take appropriate action. Smiling boosts your confidence and makes you more approachable to the audience. When you're feeling confident and into the performance, it shows in your comfort and positive energy.

Many singers struggle with performance anxiety, but with dedication and practice, anyone can become a great performer and leave a lasting impression on their audience. Finally, keep in mind that your brain has the power to conquer stage fright by adopting the steps mentioned above. If you find the information presented here useful, you will find a lot more posts here with recommendations and advice related to music. If you own an iPhone or iPad and want the best possible and most immersive practice experience, then download and install AudioRetune.